Hey guys, this very well may be due purely to my lack of experience in this
matter, but I'm having trouble getting chained actions working the way I
WANT them to work and I'm suspicious the way I want them to work is not the
way they're intended to work.

Here's the situation: I want the application to have public paths like

    /admin              List of all existing "books" you can look at
    /admin/add          Form (FormBuilder) for adding a new book
    /admin/99           Detailed output of data on book 99
    /admin/99/edit      Form (FormBuilder) for editing book 99 data
    /admin/99/delete    Form for confirming deletion of book 99

Looking at the Catalyst::DispatchType::Chained documentation, it's not
obvious (to me, anyway) how I should go about this.

The way I see it, /admin should be handled by a:
    package Foo::Controller::Admin;
    sub index : private {...}

and /admin/add should be handled by a:

    sub add : Local Form {...}

So, how exactly would someone suggest I set up the chained handlers for the
other paths? I had something like this:

    sub detail :PathPart('admin') Chained('/') Args(1) {...}
And that worked for the /admin/99 path, but nothing I can muster up seems
to match the /admin/99/{edit,delete} paths. 

Any thoughts from those more experienced than me?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] is Doran L. Barton, president/CTO, Iodynamics LLC
Iodynamics: IT and Web services by Linux/Open Source specialists
 "Dealers will hear car talk at noon"
    -- Headline seen in newspaper

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