Brian Kirkbride wrote:
> Thomas Klausner wrote:
>> Hi!
>> On Wed, Mar 21, 2007 at 04:47:15PM -0400, Christopher H. Laco wrote:
>>> Or more to the point... have app supplied templates, and be able to user
>>> user customized templates in combination with the app
>>> templates...without have to worry about sources, merging, upgrade,
>>> etc...
>> I usually (using TT) do something like:
>> INCLUDE_PATH: [base_framework_stuff app_stuff]
>> All the templates go into base_framework_stuff
>> All modifications needed for an app (or maybe even a sub-area of an
>> app) go into app_stuff.
>> You just need to break your templates into enough smallish components.
>> In the end, it feels a lot like OO templates, where you can "override"
>> the "base implementation".
> I'm glad to see someone else doing this!  I've found it works well for
> my projects and does feel very "OO" indeed.  As Thomas said, it is
> mostly about finding the right granularity.  Not so small as to make it
> hard to understand a template's function at a glance, but small enough
> that an override wouldn't step on something you plan to update in a new
> revision.

Plus, it's an incentive to keep templates small and sane. It it's hard
to use your /template/foo instead of /base/template/foo ... then I guess
that's a good pointer to something being wrong.

THe only part of that that feels dirty is that it's still an either-or
situation, rather than an base_mine situation. That could be solved by
TT plugins, but that's nasty at some level.



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