Hello all,

I've been working with Chained actions, and like many others have found them to be incredibly useful for setting up DBIC result sets before reaching an endpoint.

The one thing that has been bothering me is that to start a chain in some controller, say MyApp::C::Admin::Services you would need to declare:

  sub get_id : Chained('/') : PathPart('/admin/services') : CaptureArgs(1) {
  # stash the id or do some lookup

It's most likely my ignorance showing, but this seems redundant and not very DRY. That's why I'd suggest that PathPart('.') set a chained action's PathPart to the namespace on the controller. That way you could simply do:

  sub get_id : Chained('/') : PathPart('.') : CaptureArgs(1) {}

Renaming controllers or moving the action to a new controller automatically updates the leading path to the start of the chain. I assume that this would only make sense if the Chained attribute is '/'

I've attached a patch implementing this change, comments or criticisms much appreciated.

Brian Kirkbride
--- /tmp/Chained.pm     2007-03-22 13:27:35.452477260 -0500
+++ /opt/catalyst/lib/Catalyst/DispatchType/Chained.pm  2007-03-22 13:41:26.697583229 -0500
@@ -228,6 +228,15 @@
+       if ($part eq '.') {
+               unless ($parent eq '/') {
+               Catalyst::Exception->throw(
+               "PathPart of '.' requires Chained('/') registering ${action}"
+               );
+               }
+               $part = $action->namespace;
+       }
     $action->attributes->{PartPath} = [ $part ];
     unshift(@{ $children->{$part} ||= [] }, $action);
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