
Try again, I just commited to svn and uploaded 0.17 into cpan. I made the 
$self->_pid($$) init in new ( as per your suggestion ) as well as added some 
other code. It seems to work on my machine here:

[error] Caught exception in MyApp::Controller::Root->default "16770 different 
from 16770

The problem was in re-blessing within ACCEPT_CONTEXT. Give it a fair bit of 
testing, and if you find anything strange let me know.


On Monday 07 May 2007 00:57, Evan Carroll wrote:
> Sorry to break it to you. This still doesn't work.
> Caught exception in Dealermade::C::Root->join "21433 different from
> 21434 at /var/www/Dealermade/script/../lib/Dealermade/C/Root.pm line
> 71, <DATA> line 228."
> die $c->model('DBI')->dbh->{pg_pid} . ' different from ' .
> $c->model('DBI')->dbh->{pg_pid};
> These numbers should always be the same.

Alex Pavlovic - CTO
TF-1 Inc. ( Custom development, consultancy and training )
Alex Pavlovic - CTO
TF-1 Inc. ( Custom development, consultancy and training )

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