
I'm used to (albeit a recent Catalyst convert) creating a Controller based on the whole name of the PATH_INFO, e.g.
 package my_app::Controller::some::structure::like::this
In a file my_app/lib/my_app/Controller/some/structure/like/this.pm
How would I have a Controller like:
 package my_app::Controller::some::structure
In a file my_app/lib/my_app/Controller/some/structure.pm
and be able to access the remaining "like/this" via PATH_INFO.

In case you are wondering why... I was wanting to have a catalogue menu hit back into the app at a common point, and use the remaining PATH_INFO to indicate the specifics of selection made.

This seems like it'd be pretty ordinary to be able to do... just that I can't see how to from the Catalyst documentation. It's probably a case of me not being able to see the wood for the trees ... or it being something obvious yet documented in an implicit way.... dunno....
going nuts

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