On 24/05/07, Christopher H. Laco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
One of the never ending topics for Catalyst seems to be forms: how to
build them, validate them, localize them and generally just live with
them without hating the toolset or wanting to strangle someone.

I don't have a solution for everyone, but I did create a solution for
me. I offer it here as yet another piece of the puzzle for those in need
of another path. Feel free to steal the code as you see fit.

In general, I like FormBuilder for building forms, but I hate its
validation. I like FormValidator::Simples ability to accept yaml profile
configs (ProfileManager::YAML). I hate that it can't also take messages
from yaml, or both in the same shot. And most of all, I hate having to
have at least 3 configs: FB, Profile, Messages) and nothing localizing
everything in the same way. This is a marriage of all three.

The config file format is simple. The root data is FB options. The
fields collection holds FB field config and constraints (FVS options)
and messages (FVS messages)

>     ---
>     name: form_name
>     method: POST
>     javascript: 0
>     stylesheet: 1
>     sticky: 1
>     submit: LABEL_CREATE
>     fields:
>       - sku:
>           type: text
>           size: 25
>           maxlength: 25
>           constraints:
>             - NOT_BLANK
>             - LENGTH, 1, 25
>             - UNIQUE
>           messages:
>             - NOT_BLANK: "sku may not be blank"
>       - name:
>           type: text
>           size: 25
>           maxlength: 25
>           constraints:
>             - NOT_BLANK
>             - LENGTH, 1, 25

If you don't specify a message for a constraint, it defaults to
FIELDNAME_CONSTRAINT. If you don't label a field, it defaults to
LABEL_FIELDNAME. In my case, I use those as keys to a %Lexicon in a I18N
module...they could just as well be real names/messages.

If you won't want to use yaml, you can just pass the same data structure
to parse/new

> {
>    name => 'form_name',
>    method => 'POST'
>    fields => [
>       sku => {
>           type => 'text',
>           constraints => [
>               'NOT_BLANK',
>               'LENGTH, 1, 25'
>           ]
>       }
>    ]
> }

When the form is validated/rendered, the labels and messages are all
passed to an I18N sub you specify for localization...

The api mostly mimics FB usage:

> my $form = Mango::Form->new({
>   source => 'path/to/some/config.yml',
>   values => $object->get_columns,
>   localizer => sub {MyI18N->localize(@_)},
>   params => $c->request
> });
> $form->field(name => 'someselect', options => [EMAIL PROTECTED]);
> $form->render;
> if ($form->submitted) {
>   my $results = $form->validate;
>   if (!$results->success) {
>       print @{$results->errors};
>   };
> };

The code isn't the greatest under the covers and does some evil , but it
works for me and at least separated my form handling from my controllers
with an API.

You can steal the form code from here:

Here's a real config:

It'll change. It'll evolve. It works for me, for now. Have fun with it
if you need it, or parts of it. :-)

The syntax, the usage, the I18N, it all seems strangely familiar...


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