Oleg Pronin wrote:
> Hi.
> I would like to use references to variables that have been defined in my
> yaml config.
> Something like this:
> var_dir: &var __path_to(var)__
> log_dir: &log *var/log
> log_file: *log/file.txt
> This is a feature of YAML 1.0.
> But it seems that only *pure* aliases (*var) work only in YAML::Syck &&
> log_dir: &log *var
> YAML dies with "YAML Error: Can't define both an anchor and an alias".
> And it is not clear for me how to modify *var to say: (this is a syntax
> error in all parsers)
> log_dir: &log *var/log
> How to use other variables' values in yaml config?


I don't even know what those do. Why do you want them? whats wrong with
just text values?

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