On Sun, 2007-08-05 at 22:27 -0500, Jonathan T. Rockway wrote:
> I tend to use Catalyst::Controller::REST and let it handle
> serialization / deserialization for me.  Technically not MVC, but
> since it's not code I have to look at, I don't care.  It's a bit
> smarter than View::JSON in that it will return XML (etc.)
> automagically if the client requests it.  Convenient.

This is the approach that I use, along with ExtJS, which is now my
favorite yummilicious JS library. It's far from pure REST, but I'm not
advertising it as a REST service just using it Ajax <-> Controller. Plus
C::REST abstracts out too many annoyances to not use it. Kudos to those
who brought that to us.

I did have to hack up my own (de)serializer
(C::A::(De)Serialize::ExtXML) to create XML responses that jive with
ExtJS's concepts, but it's working pretty well.

Matthew W. Pitts
Software Engineer
336.202.3913 (mobile)

A3 IT Solutions, LLC

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