Dear Matt,

Wow, you have blown me away again. So many things on the wishlist
already executed. Whew!

I had trouble finding Reaction code/docs - is it in prealpha or
actually production grade now?

I haven't used Moose before (silly me..) after reading a few
presentations I'm very impressed.

Re svk I was thinking of something for a nontechnical client, but I'll
look at svk interfaces available, thanks.

I'm not sure if I can provide a full download of the entire site as it
could give a competitor an advantage, but the portal side templates
and code I see as something that would evolve across many projects so
putting templates and modules for those portals into a tgz would be
okay. Of course then you want to start cleaning things.. for example I
have a toggle that ought to use a gif like gmail's star or a flag but
never got to that, also to refactor a little.. well we'll see I may
just say here it is and let it be torn apart.

I'd like to find out more about Reaction and how much is useable now,
where its HP/wiki is etc. Thank you very much.

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