| Jonathan Rockway wrote:
>> Here's the list:
>> (en) Please come back later
>> (fr) SVP veuillez revenir plus tard
>> (de) Bitte versuchen sie es spaeter nocheinmal
>> (at) Konnten's bitt'schoen spaeter nochmal reinschauen
>> (no) Vennligst prov igjen senere
>> (dk) Venligst prov igen senere
>> (pl) Prosze sprobowac pozniej
>> (pt) Por favor, volte mais tarde
>> (ja) ??????????????????????????????
>> (el) ?????????????????????? ?????????????????? ????????????????.
>> (ro) V?? rug??m s?? reveni??i mai târziu.
>> (he) ?????? ???????? ?????????? ?????????? ????????
>> (cn) ???????????????
>> (lb) Kommt w.e.g. spéider nach eng Kéier zeréck.
>> (bg) ????????, ???????????????? ???????? ??????????
>> (bø) børk børk børk!
>> Anything else?  The thought has occurred to me that we should order
>> these by popularity.
| Needs a Spanish translation.

(es) Por favor, vuelva más tarde.

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