On Fri, 31 Aug 2007 22:57:58 -0400
"John Goulah" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 8/31/07, Toby Corkindale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Michael Higgins wrote:
> > > Hello, list --
> > >
> > > I have a catalyst app about to get a bunch of new users. In
> > > anticipation of that, I'd like advice on how to maintain the
> > > user/acl tables I set up per the tutorial.
> > >
> > > Basically, I just want to add the user and have a default role
> > > automagically appear in the corresponding acl table. When I
> > > delete the user, the user's role(s) go as well.
> > >
> > > Which of the catalyst options would give me the quickest route to
> > > maintaining this list? And what is the best way to ... create
> > > related entries and cascade delete? (I'm still new at this.)
> >
> > Are you using MySQL? If so, stop using it, and start using a
> > relational database that supports foreign keys and cascaded deletes
> > - and example of an opensource DB with those is PostgreSQL.
> MySQL Innodb tables -does- provide foreign key constraints...
> DBIx::Class::Schema will create the tables as this type with
> constraints defined as well.

Okay, great! That's exactly where I am.

Thanks Toby, John.


 |\  /|        |   |          ~ ~  
 | \/ |        |---|          `|` ?
 |    |ichael  |   |iggins    \^ /

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