On 9/4/07 5:16 AM, Matt S Trout wrote:
On Tue, Sep 04, 2007 at 11:31:57AM +0200, Tobias Kremer wrote:
Is anybody here using Catalyst + RHTMLO, especially Rose::HTML::Form, to handle
forms? If yes, I'd like to know what your glue code (init forms from db,
re-fill from $c->req->params etc.) looks like because RHTMLO has a somewhat
different approach to handling things and I have the feeling that I'm doing
things overly complicated.

Other than that, I really like the way RHTMLO works and would love to see
something like a Catalyst::Controller::RHTMLO module which works similar to the
other form controllers out there. The existing C::C::Rose module is tied to RDBO
and thus of no use for me because I very much prefer DBIC.

The ::Rose author seemed perfectly willing to make it work with DBIC, but
since he doesn't use DBIC he doesn't know what you'd need (just like I couldn't
write it due to not using RHTMLO :).

Maybe if you try and outline what you'd like from an API POV something could
be done?

Matt's correct. I'd be happy to make C::C::Rose::* controllers play nicely with non-RDBO models. I just need someone familiar with DBIC (or others) to help define an API.

I outlined the existing requirements here:


Peter Karman  .  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  .  http://www.peknet.com/

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