Am 07.09.2007 um 21:48 schrieb Josef Chladek:

Am 07.09.2007 um 21:24 schrieb Bill Moseley:

On Fri, Sep 07, 2007 at 04:26:56PM +0200, Josef Chladek wrote:
from debugging I found out, that $remaining in fact is $length, so it
seems, that nothing was read from the post body

Are you using SSL? This is way old and doesn't seem to fit your case,
but some old versions of IE post with zero content length.

It's amazing that I still see this every so often.

nope, plain http, no ssl involved. and it happens for firefox as well.

I could throw/show an error page, but I can't even display the user- input on that page (because there is none), which is a pity, because it's a message-board, so the message is gone after submit...
method get is not perfect (long postings will be cut off).

if someone is interested:
I switched to fastcgi (instead of mod_perl) and the problem ist gone...


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