What am I missing here. This passage from DispatchType/Chained.pm yields
no public actions:

> Another interesting possibility gives :Chained('.'), which chains itself to 
> an action with the path of the current controller's namespace. For example:
>   #   in MyApp::Controller::Foo
>   sub bar : Chained CaptureArgs(1) { ... }
>   #   in MyApp::Controller::Foo::Bar
>   sub baz : Chained('.') Args(1) { ... }
> This builds up a chain like /bar/*/baz/*. The specification of . as the 
> argument to Chained here chains the baz action to an action with the path of 
> the current controller namespace, namely /foo/bar. That action chains 
> directly to /, so the /bar/*/baz/* chain comes out as the end product.

When I create a fresh MyApp and the controllers/code above and load it,
I get no Loaded Chain Actions in the debug output. Is this example


Let them eat cake and false positives.

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war chemical death drop off mule undercover launch rocket drug
covert cell cerin mass infidel Allah package subway mass

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