Peter Karman wrote:
hm. sounds like you might not have the most current
Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication module installed. What version are you running?
I can confirm that upgrading Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication to 0.10002 (the latest version on CPAN at the moment) fixes the problem, and now authentication works as per documentation. (I haven't tried fetching roles from LDAP yet, that will come later.)

I think it would be useful if you added a version dependency check into Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Store::LDAP so when the next person tries installing it on a slightly older CPAN install they won't run into this problem.

Anyway, thank you for this module, it will come in very handy in my current project.

Best regards,
               Matija Grabnar

P.S. If you want an example set up for authenticating against Active Directory (as opposed to posix LDAP setup, as in your documentation), let me know, and I'll send you the relevant config lines.

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