Hello, all --

I've finally gotten some traction with this project, was hoping to get
a bit of input before I go much further in case I'm digging a hole.

My application, running the catalyst engine development server, looks

- user logs in, gets to create a document in a form page
- data is parsed and passed to PDF::Reuse:
    first I grab a temp file:

        my (undef,$filename) = tempfile(SUFFIX => '.pdf', DIR =>
'/home/col/charley/bolmaker/root/pdf_tmp'); # File::Temp 'tempfile'

I have to strip the path to root in order for the development server
to serve it... How do I do that automatically? Is there a better option
for making the file? (PDF::Reuse won't accept a filehandle).

- Then to serve the file:

      my $fh = new IO::File "< $filename";
        if (defined $fh) {
                 "attachment; filename=${bol}_BOL.pdf");

            return 1;

Is there a better way to serve the file? I got nowhere with
Static::Simple... not that it matters, I guess.

Ultimately, I'll put this in a mod_perl environment... any pointers

Any advice appreciated.


 |\  /|        |   |          ~ ~  
 | \/ |        |---|          `|` ?
 |    |ichael  |   |iggins    \^ /

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