Mr. “Mongrel” Himself commits grandiose career suicide:

* <>
> When you combine stupid businesses with stupid people using a
> stupid framework based on a big fat fucking lie on a shitty
> platform you get the perfect storm of dumbfuck where a man like
> me can’t find work.

Make sure you hold onto your jaw when you get to the “How’d This
Happen?” section. Good grief.

Next he rails on ThoughtWorks (pun intended), and by goodness, he
pulls no punches. I mean, no punches at all.

He closes:

> This is a long rant I’m writing in serial form. Stay tuned for
> more about Ruby conferences and why they suck, and why the
> Pickaxe book is what killed Ruby.

All I can say is… wow.

I’ll be re-assessing and processing for a while.

Aristotle Pagaltzis // <>

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