At 04:11 PM 1/20/2008, Ashley wrote:
On Jan 20, 2008, at 1:33 PM, Thomas L. Shinnick wrote:
At 01:56 PM 1/20/2008, Zbigniew Lukasiak wrote:

<spew register="pedant">
One important topic in the book is that people mix 'verbs' into their URIs when they shouldn't, or at least when they don't _have_ to. Using the book's concepts your URIs would become

1)  GET    /class?pattern=breadbox
2)  GET    /class/id/1111
3)  PUT    /class/id/1111
4)  POST /class

Clipped a bunch. This is great food for thought. I am missing in this scheme how you would know to serve the form for updating. That seems to be the real point of /class/id/1111/update. I suppose that should be /class/id/1111/edit instead and it would, if it could, properly PUT the form to /class/id/1111, yes?

Rats, I can't pinpoint the area where they talk about this (serving forms) in the book. Two points of departure:

First, there is a difference when talking about how you go about implementing RESTful interactions where both the client/server are programmed, that is, where data is exchanged directly and people aren't involved. When you instead want to make accommodations for allowing more classical (non-Javascript) interactions it _does_ get cloudy. And if you want to serve _both_ programmed and human interactions it gets positively foggy. You don't want to start having alternate URIs just to specify what 'kind' of representations to serve. So...

Second, if there are multiple representations for an item, how do we specify which representation is being requested? The authors ask that you try to use something like the Accept: header, so that a Javascript program can specify that it wants an XML or JSON representation, _rather_ than an HTML form representation. If you want to allow plain unenhanced browsers you could serve the form in HTML by default. But if the request specifically said give me straight data, the server would see the "Accept: application/json" (I think that's right) and respond with "Content-type: application/xml". Program or person - the HTTP headers tell you which.

Now they again mention real-world hiccups, where some component might not pass-thru or pay attention to headers like Accept. They offer that you could (if forced) specify the desired content type in either the query parameters or even the URI itself, where they suggest an extension. Thus "GET /class/1234.xml" would be what a program might request, rather than a plain "GET /class/1234" which might default to HTML.

Basically they keep coming back to the same theme: use HTTP to its fullest, both headers and methods (e.g. PUT), and much becomes possible that otherwise seems clumsy. (Didn't say 'easy'... :-)
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