On Tue, 2008-01-22 at 06:27 +0100, Yves Räber wrote:
> The captcha value can be accessed here : $c->captcha_string
> >From the CPAN Documentation :
> http://search.cpan.org/dist/Catalyst-Plugin-Captcha/lib/Catalyst/Plugin/Captcha.pm
> #validate with CP::FormValidator::Simple
>   sub do_post : Local {
>     my ($self, $c) = @_;
>     $c->form(
>       validate => [['EQUAL_TO',$c->captcha_string]]
>     )
>   }

He wanted to get $c->captcha_string from *outside* of the Catalyst app.
You don't have $c there.  Also, he never said he was using

Jonathan Rockway

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