Andrew Payne wrote:
On Jan 23, 2008 2:30 PM, Ian Docherty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
This might seem like a stupid question, and one that probably has a
I could use Apache Basic Authentication, but I would prefer to hold
usernames passwords in
a database rather than a htpasswd file.

Just do

    my ($username, $password) = $c->req->headers->authorization_basic;

There's no need to have Apache handle it.

I have an app with both an HTML and a REST/XML interface (under
'/REST/'), and simply give the REST controller its own auto() sub,
containing the above line. Works fine.


I went down an similar somewhat evil path for Mango.
Since Mango has a custom Auth store/user anyways, I make my authenticate forward to authorization_basic when no options were passed:

  ## uses Auth/Store
    username => $user, password => $pass

  ## uses HTTP Auth plugin

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