On 01/24/2008 07:07 AM, rahed wrote:
> Hi,
> I tried to install Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Store::LDAP but
> it fails during t/01-pre_realms_api.t test. The message is:
> IO::Socket::INET: connect: timeout at t\01-pre_realms_api.t line 23.
> Both on Solaris10 and windows. Do I miss something? I noticed it fails
> also with CPAN Testers.

you did not miss anything. There are tests for this timeout issue in svn 
already but I am
waiting on some other issues before making a new release of ::Store::LDAP.

The tests try and access openldap.org and timeout if they can't reach it. So 
you can
safely ignore those test failures for now.

Peter Karman  .  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  .  http://peknet.com/

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