HEllo! I' trying to cleaner for cached page as shown in 
"Exempting specific pages from cacheing."

I've create MyApp.yml:
   expires: 60
   set_http_headers: 1
      - (?!.*/(debug|expire)\z).*
# cache everything but requests ending in /(debug|expire)

and added some constructions to my Root.pm:
sub begin : Private {
   my ( $self, $c ) = @_;

   if ($c->config->{page_cache} && $c->req->path =~ m#(.*)/expire$#) {
       $c->clear_cached_page( '/' . $1 );
I run myapp_server.pl
After run pages autocaches, but it wont to get extra content (such as CSS or 
And using of /expire on root http://localhost:3000/expire get 404 error defined 
by me in Root.pm
On other pages such as http://localhost:3000/network/expire - it work with 
errors, Network.pm Controller want input parameter (int) net_id 
(http://localhost:3000/network/1)  so expire work and after that controller 
reports an error "wrong param" (it's passed to database and query witn wrong 
param fails )

Where is my mistake? 


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