On Jan 30, 2008, at 10:23 AM, Roderick A. Anderson wrote:

Ian Docherty wrote:
I have moved (back) to using the built in Catalyst server for testing purposes. It is frequently (but not always) taking 20 seconds or so to display a page in my browser even though the timings reported by the Catalyst server are about 0.2 sec. so I know that
it is not the Catalyst app that is causing the delay.

Having read the other postings on this I wonder if you have a large- ish css or Javascript file being loaded. I've noticed a bit of a delay when I was trying the Ext2.js examples from the Ext2 site.

This delay is related more to the complexity of the javascript than it's size. It's essentially the compile-time penalty of the library in use, ExtJS is one of the bigger ones that I've noticed it on, it can take quite a while for it get loaded/decompressed/setup and ready to go. It's much faster when using a release version rather than a testing version, and there are tools that will let you build custom ExtJS versions with just the features you are actually using included, so you don't have to wait for initialization for features you aren't using.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.jasonkohles.com/
"A witty saying proves nothing."  -- Voltaire

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