On Fri, Mar 14, 2008 at 12:33:19PM +0100, Alexandre Jousset wrote:
>       Hello list,
>       I've problems to set session expiry time per user.
>       My goal is to have a default expiry time of "until you quit the 
> browser" unless the user logs in and select a checkbox to have the site 
> "remember" her (i.e. set expiry time to 1 year).

There's a plugin that is designed for that:


I'm not using it, but I looked at it in detail one day and had some
problems.  I think I posted a patch.  Yes, December 5th with the
subject Patch for Catalyst::Plugin::Session::DynamicExpiry

> $c->config->{session}{expires} = 31536000 if $c->req->param('remember_me');

That's per process.

Bill Moseley

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