Upon consideration - I've decided to throw an exception if you try to
always going to be an error and better to fail loudly than silently
pass auth, even if it is unlikely that the passwords will match.
I'll put this in the next release.

You can still accomplish an empty search if you really want to by
using the searchargs parameter...


On Mar 19, 2008, at 2:08 PM, Jochen Luig wrote:

Hi Alex,

It is A Feature. You've messed with parameters, username in userinfo,
login in credential. my $userinfo = { login => $login, password =>
$password} will cure.

Yes, I know. I found this out just as I was beginning to complain on
#catalyst. I just wanted to know if I interpreted the behaviour (the
primary key part) correctly and if my suggestion to issue a warning in
such a case is off-base.

Best regards,


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