Jon Schutz wrote:
On Fri, 2008-04-11 at 19:53 +0100, Richard Jones wrote:

Yeah I tried -Stats already - something must have changed in a recent version of Catalyst::Stats, as now I get:

[error] Caught exception in MyApp::Controller::Root->end "Can't locate
object method "accept" via package "Catalyst::Stats" at .. etc"

So it's now finding the stats method but apparently not accept. accept is a method of Tree::Simple I think. I didn't specifically load anything from Tree::Simple previously, it just worked using $c->stats->accept().

I think you probably want $c->stats->report, but can't think why you're
calling this directly as it is invoked in finalize() if -Debug or -Stats
is set.  See perldoc Catalyst::Stats.

Because I never got round to delving into Catalyst::Stats or Tree::Simple inner workings. I copy/pasted the example from into my Root::end() method and it just worked.

At least it did until I removed the -Debug flag. And then tried to recover functionality by updating Catalyst::Stats to the latest version, which also updated Catalyst itself (I was using an earlier 5.70x). So I've no idea in which module(s) the change occurred to stop the process working. Maybe someone more familiar with these modules could offer a clue?
Richard Jones

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