J. Shirley wrote on 2008-05-01:
> On Thu, May 1, 2008 at 4:00 PM, Byron Young
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Ah, right, I need a HTTP request to get base.  I wasn't thinking
>> straight about that.
>> I think storing links in the database is what I'll do, because that
>> leaves the responsibility of generating URIs solely with the catalyst
>> app.  If I refactor code or move things around I don't want to have to
>> update my daemon at all.
>> Thanks for your feedback, Robert.
>  Another option is to use a distributed cache system like memcached.
> Pretty easy to setup, and then you can have a "warm cache" action that
> populates the configured URIs in the cache.  So, your daemon queries
> cache, if it comes up empty then make a call out to the app to generate
> the URLs and stuff them in cache.
> -J

Hey J.  Yes, that could work too, but it requires making a call to the catalyst 
app, which means at least one hard-coded url will be in the daemon.  I 
considered having a page on my app that would just serve up a requested url, 
which is similar to your proposal, but I'd rather avoid hard-coding any urls in 
the daemon.

Thanks for the suggestion.


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