Haven't been looking in here for a while, just saw this thread.

I have a multilingual app at http://www.engoi.com which uses Chained
to do this. It works really well, and makes Do Not Repeat Yourself
quite easy to achieve.

In fact, for many actions, *two* languages are selected - the native
and target language of the user.  You can see the way this maps to
URI's easily enough by looking around.

Browser detection happens if you go to the domain root, and redirects
you straight to the home page in your language. It's pretty simple.

BTW don't let the fact that many pages are actually served static fool
you. All content is developed in Catalyst, I use a script to generate
html pages for stuff which is not actually dynamic in behaviour, and
some shennaigans with URL's and server config to make it all work

Cat is very powerful and flexible and lets you do things many, many ways.


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