On Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 04:16:00PM +0200, Emmanuel Quevillon wrote:
> Aristotle Pagaltzis wrote:
> >* Emmanuel Quevillon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008-04-30 15:05]:
> >>Catalyst always try to wrap the action result 'display' into a
> >>template.
> >
> >No, it doesn’t. If that happens in your app, then you have set it
> >up to happen like that. But the code you pasted does not include
> >that portion, so no one will be able tell you what to do instead.
> >
> >Regards,
> Thanks Aristotle,
> Maybe I can clarify the situation.
> In controller Foo I have 2 methods:
> sub bar : LocalRegex ('^(\d+)$') {
>     my($self, $c) = @_;
>     my $id = $c->req->captures->[0];
>     $c->detach(qw/Root _softwareError/,
>                ["An id is required to get related genes."])
>       unless $id;
>     $c->stash()->{url}      = $c->uri_for("/admin/rg/$id");
>     $c->stash()->{template} = 'admin/relatedgenes.tt2';

Delete this line, your end action will already do it.

>     $c->detach('View::TT');
> }
> sub rg : Local : Args(1) {
>     my($self, $c) = @_;
>     my $id = $c->req->args->[0];
>     $c->detach(qw/Root _softwareError/,
>                ["An id is required to get related genes."])
>       unless $id;
>     my $gr = GeneRelations->new(
>         %{$c->config()->{dbinfos}},
>         org  => $c->session()->{org}->{id_org},
>        );
>     my $t = $gr->display_graph(type => 'id_gene', value => 
> $id);
>     $c->res->write($t);

Delete this one too, that's going to make end() be run twice.

>     $c->forward('Root', 'end');

> }

Once you've fixed those, all you should need to do is make sure there's
something in $t and RenderView won't call the TT view at all for rg.

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