Hi folks.

We're getting close to getting a new release of Catalyst out the door, and since this version contains new features as well as bugfixes, It will be 5.7100. I've just uploaded a developer release to cpan, which will be released as the final version in one week, unless you find something we need to fix, or someone hands us a completed patch for the action_uri method ;)

Here's the changelog:

- Refactored component resolution (component(), models(), model(), et al). We now
          throw warnings for two reasons:
1) model() or view() was called with no arguments, and two results are returned -- set default_(model|view), current_(model|view) or current_(model|view)_instance
2) you call a component resolution method with a string, and it resorts to a regexp fallback wherein a result is returned -- if you really want to search, call the
             method with a regex as the argument
- remove 0-length query string components so warnings aren't thrown (RT #36428) - Update HTTP::Body dep so that the uploadtmp config value will work (RT #22540)
        - Fix for LocalRegex when used in the Root controller
- Get some of the optional_* tests working from dirs with spaces (RT #26455) - Fix Catalyst::Utils::home() when application .pm is in the current dir (RT #34437) - Added the ability to remove parameters in req->uri_with() by passing in
          an undef value (RT #34782)

The feature to note here is 'go', which works like an internal redispatch to another action, while retaining the stash intact. Being able to do this means that in practice you don't ever need to set the template name in stash, but can depend on using go when you want to render the template of the other action, rather than the one you dispatched to.

Have fun, take care, remember to brush your teeth!

Catalyst Release Manager.

List: Catalyst@lists.scsys.co.uk
Listinfo: http://lists.scsys.co.uk/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/catalyst
Searchable archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/catalyst@lists.scsys.co.uk/
Dev site: http://dev.catalyst.perl.org/

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