Oleg Pronin ha scritto:
How do you imagine yourself a request with join beetween 2 tables in different databases?
This is the reason you can't make relationships between different schemas.

If it's not a typo, the two schemas connect to the same database on the mysql side...

Anyway, I think DBIC sees them as two different databases, even if their connections strings are the same...

2008/7/3 jagdish eashwar <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>:

    I am working on two Catalyst applications and had earlier set up
    separate Mysql databases for each of them. Since some of the tables
    that these two applications use, are the same, I put the common
    tables in a third database and created two models in each of the
Catalyst applications. I am, however, unable to set up relationships between tables in the common and specific databases.

    I used myapp_create.pl to create the two models:

    perl script/hardware_create.pl model MyhardwareDB DBIC::Schema
    Myhardware::Schema::MyhardwareDB create=static dbi:mysql:hardware
    'jag' 'passwd' '{ AutoCommit => 1 }'

    perl script/hardware_create.pl model CommonDB DBIC::Schema
    Myhardware::Schema::CommonDB create=static dbi:mysql:hardware 'jag'
    'passwd' '{ AutoCommit => 1 }'

    and then put in the relationships between the employee and hardware
    tables as under:

    # in Emp.pm
    #employee has many hardware
    __PACKAGE__->has_many(emp_hm_hw =>
    'Myhardware::Schema::MyhardwareDB::Hardware', 'hw_emp_id');

    # in Hardware.pm
    #hardware belongs to employee
    __PACKAGE__->belongs_to(hw_bt_emp_id =>

    When I use these accessors in the tt2 templates, i get an undef error.

    undef error - DBIx::Class::Relationship::Accessor::__ANON__(): Can't
    find source for Myhardware::Schema::MyhardwareDB::Hardware at
    /home/jag/catalyst_trials/Myhardware/root/src/usr_fragment.tt2 line 8

    What am I doing wrong?


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Marcello Romani
Responsabile IT
Ottotecnica s.r.l.

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