I'm using Cat with a pretty standard configuration of :


to handle login and session management. My login code looks like this:

 my $u = $params->{username};

  if ($c->authenticate( { username => $u,
                          password => $params->{'password'}
                        } )){
    my $user = $c->user;
    $c->response->redirect( $forward, 301);

  } else {
    # login failed
    $c->stash->{login_failed} = 1;

What I'd like to do is check if this user is already logged in at some
other computer, and deny access if so. I guess that means :

1. checking whether there is an existing session associated this username
2. Being sure that the associated session is cleared when the user hits 'logout'

I did a quick search and didn't get anything on the list - any quick
clues about the easy way to do this, before I start digging into the
guts of the plugins to see how?

many thanks


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