I get the impression that PageCache cannot discriminate on URL; is that

I am trying to 'whitelabel' a site, that is to run several hostnames into
the one Catalyst site and then serve somewhat different content based on the
URL, giving the appearance of multiple websites. However, it seems that the
PageCache plugin does not allow this.

For example, I might have two hostnames:

   - http://www.example1.com   and
   - http://www.example2.net

that both point to the same Catalyst server. I can find out the URL using
$c->request->base() and use that to, say, select the appropriate CSS file
and heading template for that site.

But PageCache only works off $c->request->path() ie not the hostname. This
behaviour is coded in the _get_page_cache_key() subroutine. This means that
the PageCache serves up the same page content for all websites, irrespective
of URL, which is not what I want.

It would be nice if there were some way to fix this and keep using
PageCache, such as overriding _get_page_cache_key(). Does that make sense?
eg writing a derived class from PageCache?

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