Ari Constancio wrote:
I'm new to Catalyst, and would like to know if it is possible to
deploy Catalyst apps in a shared web hosting account without shell?
For what I've read, it seems not possible but I need to be sure.
I have a Catalyst app deployed on shared hosting (with shell access), and if I had to do it without shell access, in theory I suppose that I could copy my locally installed Perl and my app directories and get it to work. You wouldn't need to use cgi, you could use fastcgi and an .htaccess file. The key would be to set it up somewhere where you do have access and copy it over.

But I really don't recommend it. You get really poor access to error messages and there's just too much you can't do, so quite possibly you might not be able to get it to work at all. There are a number of pretty cheap shared hosting sites (around $60 per year) that do allow shell access. I suggest you choose one of them. There's a list of some of them on the Catalyst wiki at:


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