On Sat, Oct 4, 2008 at 9:31 AM, Peter Karman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You don't need a real plugin unless you need to override the dispatch process.
> But I often put convenience methods in my MyApp.pm base class. So implement 
> your
> idea #1 and then add:
> package MyApp;
> sub logdb {
>    my $c = shift;
>    my $msg = shift or croak "msg required";
>    $c->model('AppDB')->add($msg);
> }

I would set up a config key for the model to make things flexible:

sub log_model {
  my($c) = @_;
  return $c->model($c->config->{log_model});

sub logdb {
   my $c = shift;
   my $msg = shift or croak "msg required";

you can do this with controllers too, if you decide you need different
models per controller


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