Thanks for the help! I'm going to summarize the problem to recap, the
solutions proposed, and what I found trying to implement them.
First the problem:
I have a Catalyst Web App that requires users to log in before
they can do
anything (it's a front end for managing mailing list subscriptions).
The problem is that as the day progresses, and the application
sees more and
more use, login behavior becomes inconsistent.
As time passes,
the problem gets progressively worse and it eventually gets to the
where people quit trying because the success rate for logging in
drops to
10% or less.
By fail, I mean you go to the log in screen, put in a valid
username and
password combination, and then get seamlessly redirected to the
log in
screen, as if you had just arrived fresh to the app.
Restarting Apache solves the problem, at least for a while. And
then things
begin to degrade again...
First, I got this question:
I do just have to ask though... why such ancient
software? Apache 1 and MP1? Ouch.
Because I haven't had the opportunity to set up a test machine with
Apache 2/mod_perl2 and test all the stuff on our Website that might
break. I'm a one man show, and definitely in a place where if it ain't
broke, I don't have time to fix it. :-)
Now, the suggestions were that either I was over running the cache
file used by Session::Store::FastMmap, or running our of file
descriptors. In the former case, it was suggested that increase the
cache size to 100MB, or switch to Session::Store::DBIC.
I monitored file descriptor usage for a while, and it barely changed,
so that didn't seem to be the cause,
Then I read the documentation and tried raising the cache size for
Session::Store::FastMmap to 100 MB. Turns out, SLES 10 doesn't like
that - Apache child processes were aborting all over the place. I
experimented with the cache size and found that 40MB worked, and 50MB
and above didn't.
So, after putting that in place, I moved on to swapping out
Session::Store::FastMmap for Session::Store::DBIC. That actually
didn't take long at all, and, so far, appears to be working perfectly.
Thanks again for all the help.
Paul Cory
WCPSS Webmaster
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