Hey all,

Catalyst authentication configuration just got a whole lot easier.

I just released two updates to CPAN that will make Auth configuration
much much easier for the 'average' case where you have user data
stored in an SQL database and you are using passwords for

Now, the 'basic' config using plaintext passwords looks like this:

    __PACKAGE__->config->{'Plugin::Authentication'} =
            default => {
                class => 'SimpleDB',
                user_class => 'MyApp::User',

For the 'basic' config using a hashed password - just a bit more

    __PACKAGE__->config->{'Plugin::Authentication'} =
            default => {
                class => 'SimpleDB',
                user_class => 'MyApp::User',
                password_type => 'hashed',
                password_hash_type => 'SHA1'

Hopefully, people will not find this config overwhelming. :-)

For those who are interested, the custom configuration is accomplished
by using a custom Realm, SimpleDB, which is part of the most recent
Catalyst::Authentication::Store::DBIx::Class dist.   A lot of
flexibility can be gained in configuration and functionality by
creating custom Realms.  This is just one example.

The modules are available (or will be soon) at:


( A preview of the docs are available here:  http://scsys.co.uk:8001/19881



If anyone has any questions or comments, please reply to this email,
or find me on #catalyst.

I am also soliciting anyone who is willing to take a crack at
simplifying the Auth section of the Catalyst tutorial by using this
module, as I think most users are looking to do exactly this type of
config when they first approach Catalyst and are reading the
Tutorial.  Any volunteers?


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