On 14 Nov 2008, at 00:28, Michael Higgins wrote:

I had the idea to make an app that authenticates against PAM.

Can this be done? There is Cat:P:A:C:PAM, but

[warn] Credential class "Catalyst::Authentication::Credential::PAM" not found, trying deprecated ::Plugin:: style naming. [error] THIS IS DEPRECATED: Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Credential::PAM has no new() method - Attempting to use uninstantiated

So... too bad that wasn't patched into the module docs somewhere. As you can imagine, it took quite a bit of digging to get it to work enough to tell me it was deprecated. :(

Does it still work though?

It wouldn't be a lot of effort to fixup the module to work with the new authentication framework, but AFAIK we should still have pretty comprehensive backwards compatibility...

OK. There is a Authen::Simple option that doesn't apparently work either. Had to run script as superuser to have perms to read /etc/ shadow. Even then, it failed with no particular error.

:-( That's less than optimum. Is that a known Authen::Simple issue (and is there a CPAN RT bug open about it)?

So, maybe someone on the list can suggest some working, non- deprecated way I can authenticate users against those who have a username on the server? Or am I totally wasting my time?

My other suggestion would be to use apache to do your PAM auth in some way (assuming that's easier, I've never tried?), make a simple static page with basic auth bound to localhost, and use Catalyst::Authentication::Credential::HTTP::Proxy to proxy the auth from Catalyst to apache...

Probably more than a little batshit insane, but would also mean you could authenticate _anything_ on your web server against PAM, which could be useful...


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