On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 6:13 AM, J. Shirley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 11:49 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> HI all:
>> I am a Catalyst beginner and run into this problem
>> since I have a model like this
>> package MyApp::Model::Trial;
>> use strict;
>> use warnings;
>> sub new{
>> my $pack = shift;
>> my $self = bless {
>> foo => 'default value foo',
>> },$pack;
>> return $self;
>> }
>> sub get{
>> return shift->{'foo'};
>> }
>> 1
>> how could I pass this "foo" to the controller?
>> I tried some code like this
>> my $a = $c->model('Trial::new');
>> $c->stash->{word} = $a->get;
>> or
>> my $a = $c->model('Trial');
>> $c->stash->{word} = $a->get;
>> both of them run into some exceptions
>> thx for helping
> First off, models are instantiated by Catalyst so if you create your
> own 'new' method you are not going to be doing the right thing.
> Second, if all you are trying to do is having default configured
> values it is much better to use accessors and let Catalyst handle the
> configuration, like so:
> package MyApp::Model::Trial;
> use warnings;
> use strict;
> use base 'Catalyst::Model'; # You must inherit from this
> use Class::Accessor::Fast; # Use this to generate the accessor methods
> # Make an accessor for 'foo'
> __PACKAGE__->mk_accessors('foo');
> __PACKAGE__->config(
>    'foo' => 'default foo value'
> );
> 1;
> __END__
> That really is all there is to it.  When Catalyst loads, it will load
> everything in the Controller, Model and View namespaces based on the
> base classes (Catalyst::Model, which in turn inherits from a common
> base class called Catalyst::Component)
> Now to acess 'foo' you can just use the simple accessor (and setter):
> $c->model('Trial')->foo;
> # or
> $c->model('Trial')->foo("new value");

Actually, I made a slight mistake because I was going down the Moose
route first and then changed it.  You also need to inherit from

So, use: use base qw/Catalyst::Model Class::Accessor::Fast/;


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