On 8 Dec 2008, at 23:15, Bill Moseley wrote:

This suppose to be drop-in compatible with 5.7?

That's the aim, although we're probably not there yet..

perl, v5.10.0

All tests pass building Catalyst-Runtime but it's very noisy:

Subroutine uninitialize redefined at /usr/share/perl5/Class/C3.pm line 88. Subroutine reinitialize redefined at /usr/share/perl5/Class/C3.pm line 101.

But, I suspect that's 5.10.0 on this test machine. I had to clean up a
bunch of those for my apps when I upgraded as well.

This has been fixed in trunk I believe.

Running make test on an application that passes all tests with 5.7015
results in:

Failed 14/113 test scripts. 325/616 subtests failed.
Files=113, Tests=616, 127 wallclock secs (60.45 cusr + 4.38 csys = 64.83 CPU)
Failed 14/113 test programs. 325/616 subtests failed.

Sorry, I didn't have time to look into this, so I'll just paste a few
errors I saw:

A few private plugins and views complain that NEXT is crap.  Hopefully
I'll find time to get those updated before the current non-crap
becomes crap, too.

It's possible to suppress that warning by saying "no warnings 'Class::C3::Adopt::NEXT';" in the offending code until you get it ported to Class::C3's next::method.

You can do this right now (as next::method works in 5.7).

Writing a little more advice for this for the POD is on my todo list. Suggested doc fixes (and suggestions to make the warning better) gratefully received if you have any.

A few failed the "Class::MOP::is_class_loaded($class)" test.

    require App::Model::Foo was successful but the package is
    not defined

This means that you have a file 'lib/App/Model/Foo.pm, but that file doesn't appear to define package App::Model::Foo.

I'd guess that your app is subtly broken in some way (like the file being mis-named) which is causing Class::MOP to not like the file.

Is that true for your application, and can you think of a better wording which would make the error message more clear/explicit about the problem?


    Compilation failed in require at
    /usr/local/lib/perl/5.10.0/Class/MOP.pm line 151.

    Undefined subroutine &Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst::Aux::request

There's a fair amount of noise due to that, but I think that's causing
the build of the test failures.

Yeah, that'd figure - I guess there are stack traces to go with this?

I suspect this is doing the most damage:

    require App::Model::Foo was successful but the package is
    not defined

which is not entirely clear what that means.

Hopefully explained above.

If you could run the tests again manually with prove -v, and email me the results off-list then it'd help me diagnose the issues you're seeing further.

Many thanks for the help!


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