> > in my Catalyst app I use $c->check_user_roles(qw/Admin/) to determine,
> if the currently logged in user is part of the Admin role. Works fine.
> >
> > Now I want to check if _another_ (currently _not_ logged in user) is
> part of the Admin role. I read the documentation of
> Catalyst::Plugin::Authorization::Roles and found that check_user_roles can 
> optionally take $user as
> additional parameter. But it does not work as I suspected: With ...
> >
> > $c->log->info(">> " . $c->check_user_roles( "some_other_user" ,
> qw/Admin/ ));
> >
> > ... Catalyst debug just gives me ...
> >
> > [debug] Role denied: some_other_user, Admin
> > [info] >>
> >
> > ... where I expected something like ...
> >
> > [info] >> 1
> >
> > "some_other_user" is a username string, in the column "username" of my
> user table. myapp/myapp.conf ist setup accordingly (i.e.: user_class
> myapp::user and id_field username).
> >
> > What am I doing wrong?
> $c->check_user_roles expects a user object not a username string (how
> would it distinguish a user name from a role name?). You can get a
> user object via $c->find_user.

You mean something like ...

my $foo = $c->find_user({ username => "some_other_user" }, "my_realm");
$c->log->info(">> " . $c->check_user_roles($foo, qw/Admin/));

This gives me nearly the same output as before - i.e.:

[debug] Role denied: 
Catalyst::Authentication::Store::DBIx::Class::User=HASH(0x9abd318), Admin
[info] >>  

I guess I am misundestanding something. Any hints?
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