Hear hear! Practical example ftw!

To add yet *another* branch to this discussion, I think it would be neat to
add a few sections on "Coming from $framework" where $framework eq rails,
django, .net, etc.  That's probably a bit down the road, as most of my ideas
seem to be.

On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 12:46 PM, David Steiner

> > So all this 'too many choices' talk has got me thinking.  I'd like to
> > put together some more web-available information for those
> > transitioning to catalyst from other methods.
> >
> > To that end I'm soliciting your thoughts on things that you found
> > particularly hard to get a grip on when you started using catalyst.
> > (or that you are currently having trouble with)
> >
> > My intent is to pick the ones that are needed most and write them up
> > (or sponsor).
> >
> > My working list is as follows (in no particular order.)
> >
> > 1) 'Getting' DBIx::Class (starting from a straight SQL-users point of
> > view)
> Areas you could focus on:
> - Basic Form handling, implemented with a specific module: formfu, rose,
> etc..
> - Possibly: Form handling with AJAX
> - CRUD operations with multiple tables
> - Building your own "fat" model API, to put as much logic into your model
> and
> then use this API in your controllers.
> > 2) Basic Cat toolkit - the basic pieces you will want to produce your
> > average web app.
> Deployment with FastCGI
> Putting dependencies in your Makefile.pl and how to install it on another
> box.
> > 3) Walkthrough of creation of a simple app end to end.
> Yes please, a full example tutorial is just what we need!
> But what kind of example are you planning to do? How about you cover CRUD,
> to
> build something like... "yet another Blog"? Have a couple of tables with
> relationships like author, story, tags, categories, comments... link them
> up
> with dbix::class, use formfu for the forms, and to make it interesting: add
> some ajax on the forms to validate the input, without reloading the page.
> keep the example simple, yet functional, so that others can build on it and
> extend it.
> I'd be interested in writing some parts of a tutorial like this. Let me
> know
> if you need some help writing documentation.
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Devin Austin
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List: Catalyst@lists.scsys.co.uk
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