On 19 Feb 2009, at 18:27, Matt Pitts wrote:

All this talk about Perl/Catalyst/CPAN pains, has got me thinking...

Anybody like the idea of having a local::lib "bootstrap" option to
CatalystX::Starter and possible integration of a script that would
launch a CPAN shell for installing into the local::lib folder?

CatalystX::Starter is for boot strapping a Catalyst component, not an application. You'd be looking to add to Catalyst::Devel

Or, maybe a separate module Catalyst::Starter::LocalLib?

The idea would be to help folks bootstrap Cat apps and get all the deps
inside the app folder right from the start for easier deployment. Of
course it won't eliminate the need for a shell, but it's still an

You'd be looking to have local::lib support built into the scripts & etc which Catalyst generates, and an additional shell script in your scripts directory to start a CPAN shell pointing at your application's local::lib and tricks to install all the non perl core dependencies into that directory?

That sounds like a good idea, and I've considered hacking on it myself, but never found the tuits.

I could probably put together a patch if I can get some "best practice"

I'm thinking of rails' ability to 'freeze' rails into your application here. In actual fact, I've never found this feature very useful as I want to freeze all the dependencies too (this is possible, but involves hacking environment.rb and etc in the same way as manually attaching a local::lib to your Cat app).

I guess the biggest argument is likely to be what the correct name for the directory containing your local::lib is. I also expect there would be a fair amount of toolchain related yak-shaving to get it right, but its certainly a feature I'd like to see happen.


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