On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 5:03 PM, Tomas Doran <bobtf...@bobtfish.net> wrote:

> Karl Forner wrote:
>> The problem is that I get error messages
>> [error] DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::ensure_connected(): DBI Connection
>> failed: ERROR OCIEnvNlsCreate. Check ORACLE_HOME (Linux) env var  or PATH
>> (Windows) and or NLS settings, permissions, etc.
>> I have tried using directly the DBI dbh but with the same results.
> So you're saying if you just do this using DBI, you have the same issue?

Yes, if I write:
my $newdbh = DBI->connect(@$current_connect_info);

I get the same error

> I don't think the Catalyst list is the place to get help on this one. You
> _may_ have more luck on the DBIC list, but if it happens in raw DBI, then
> you're better off talking to the maintainer of the DBD driver you're using,
> as the issue will be at that level.

ok, thanks I'll try that
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