On Sun, Mar 29, 2009 at 08:15:18AM -0700, J. Shirley wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 29, 2009 at 4:52 AM, Jesse Sheidlower <jes...@panix.com> wrote:
> >
> > I'm having a problem with an app that is totally mystifying
> > me, and several attempts to put it aside and look at it the
> > next day have failed to help me solve it. I'm sure it's
> > something totally obvious, but nothing springs to mind, so I'd
> > welcome any suggestions.
> >
> > I have a project where in one place I hard-coded some values
> > for a select list, going into a database row; now I'm moving
> > these into a table, and storing the id to this in the original
> > table. I have done similar things in other projects
> > before. This project is flexible, using a base controller and
> > so forth, so I figured all I needed to do was create a new
> > class or two and some templates, and all would work. Yet it's
> > failing, even though exactly parallel examples in the same app
> > are working fine.
> >
> > The basic problem is that when I retrieve my records, things
> > look like they're working--DBIC_TRACE shows that my query is
> > being fired; the pager that's associated with the resultset
> > shows the correct values; etc. But the actual looping over
> > the results doesn't show anything.
> >
> > In my base controller, the relevant part is this:
> >
> >  $c->stash->{record} = $c->stash->{model}->search(undef,
> > $search_conditions);
> >  $c->stash->{pager} = $c->stash->{record}->pager;
> >
> > ($search_conditions is a hashref for the page and row
> > information for the pager; the model stuff is previously set
> > in an earlier part of the chain).
> >
> > Then, in my TT template, I have (the comments with "####" are
> > things added for this post, they're not in the original):
> >
> > ---
> > [% SET tunings = record %]  #### dumping "tunings" here shows it's a DBIC
> > object
> >
> > <p><span class="lead">
> >    [% IF pager.total_entries == 1  %]
> >        1 record
> >    [% ELSE %]
> >        [% pager.total_entries %] records
> >    [% END %]
> > found; displaying [% pager.first %] &ndash; [% pager.last %]</span></p>
> >
> > #### this displays "7 records found; displaying 1 - 7", so
> > #### clearly the pager has been correctly set up, and it comes from
> > #### "record". Furthermore, if I replace "pager" with "record.pager"
> > #### things still work, so "record" seems to have the correct thing
> > #### even in the template
> >
> > <table>
> >
> > [% rowcolor = "lightrow" %]
> >
> > [% WHILE (tuning = tunings.next) %]
> >
> > #### I have the same thing in another virtually identical
> > #### template; it works there. Also, replacing "tunings" with
> > #### "record" fails in the same way, and changing "tuning"
> > #### to "fqqx" or something else also fails
> >
> >  <tr class="[% rowcolor %]">
> >    <td><a href="[% base _ 'tuning/view/' _ tuning.id %]">[% tuning
> > %]</a></td>
> >  </tr>
> >
> > [% SET rowcolor = (rowcolor == "lightrow" ? "darkrow" : "lightrow") %]
> > [% END # while %]
> >
> > </table>
> >
> > #### the result is empty <table>    </table>
> > ---
> >
> > Similarly, in the other place where I use this, where I'm
> > generating the select list, it fails in the same way. In
> > that controller I have:
> >
> >  $c->stash->{performers} = $c->model('GuitarDB::Performer')->search();
> >  $c->stash->{tunings} = $c->model('GuitarDB::Tuning')->search();
> >
> > And in the template (with some display stuff not shown):
> >
> >  <select name="performer_id" id="performer">
> >    <option value="" selected="selected">(No performer)</option>
> >    [% WHILE ( performer = performers.next ) %]
> >       <option value="[% performer.id %]">[% performer %]</option>
> >    [% END %]
> >  </select>
> >
> >  <select name="tuning_id" id="tuning">
> >    <option value="">(No tuning)</option>
> >    [% WHILE ( tuning = tunings.next ) %]
> >        <option value="[% tuning.id %]">[% tuning %]</option>
> >    [% END %]
> >  </select>
> >
> > The first one works, the second doesn't. DBIC_TRACE shows that
> > both queries (performer and tuning) are being fired, and
> > executing them each manually against the database shows that
> > the expected results are being returned.
> >
> > Can someone kick me, and tell me the obvious typo, or use of a
> > reserved word, or whatever, that I'm missing?
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> > Jesse Sheidlower
> >
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> > List: Catalyst@lists.scsys.co.uk
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> >
> Do you have a string overload on [% tuning %] (that perhaps is returning an
> empty string)?


Thank you.

mst gave me the same suggestion in a private chat; I was about
to post here to show this.

I solved the problem in two ways: first, by adding a "bool"
option to the overload; and second, by realizing that I didn't
need the NULL result in this table (it was an artifact of my
normalization routine, it wasn't actually referenced by
anything), and could just delete that row from the tuning

I would never have guessed this on my own.

I'll be patching the DBIC docs to show this in the
stringification example in the Cookbook.

Thanks to mst and jshirley.


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