From: J. Shirley 
  > > Then the Cookbook is wrong. I've never seen anything but a 500 error from 
any web server I've used.

  > If you have a proxy in front, and the backend is down, you get a 502 error.
  > -J

  If mod_perl is used, it is clear that there could be a reverse proxy or a 
load balancer in front, that could be also Apache or something else, and in the 
backend there could be one or more Apache servers using mod_perl.

  But if fastcgi is used... I thought that Apache acts like a reverse proxy 
server and the backend server is the fastcgi external server that runs the 
Catalyst app.
  I don't know how would be possible for that front end Apache to run more 
fastcgi external apps.

  Is it necessary to have a 3-parts system when using fastcgi?
  (the front end reverse proxy or load balancer, the back end server that 
connects to the fastcgi external server and that external fastcgi server?)


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