Ivan Wills wrote:
|Caught exception in Diet::Controller::Root->end "Can't use an undefined value as a 
HASH reference at /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0/Catalyst/Action/RenderView.pm line 34."|

This only with one of my controllers all the others work fine, also the line mentioned in RenderView uses /$c->req->params->{dump_info}/ so I assume params is some how being undefined.

I have tried setting/not setting templates and even removing the entire body of the index method none of these effect the error.

Any ideas about how to fix this? I am using Catalyst 5.80004.

Hmm, I can't really tell what is going on / guess at the reason for the error from that.

My wild stab in the dark guess would be that you use using Moose in MyApp.pm, and saying __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable, rather than __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable(replace_constructor => 1);

If you've still got this issue, could you tear your app apart into a test case?

(I.e. make a new TestAppp and copy in the 'special' controller in question, and MyApp.pm, and Controller::Root, make t/01app.t fail and throw a tarball online / shove it on github)...

This is likely to reveal the issue by itself, but if it doesn't, it's a nice minimum set that someone else can experiment with..


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