On 6 Jun 2009, at 23:57, Bill Moseley wrote:

In other words, it provides a way for users to generate their own
session ids as long as it passes the validate_session_id method,
which doesn't take much.

http://dev.catalyst.perl.org/repos/Catalyst/Catalyst-Plugin-Session/ 0.00/trunk/t/live_session_fixation.t

I specifically wrote a test for this, however it's a test and not comprehensive, and I can't see without spending time to take a detailed look again if your case is proved or disproved by this test.

If what you're saying is true, then it's session fixation and fairly bad news - needs fixing.

Don't suppose you'd like to contribute a few more tests around here to prove or disprove the issue, as it's obviously on your mind?


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