Why would you do that? If the module you're installing fails its tests, you should file a bug report. What kind of error? IME you shouldn't ever want to or need to force install a module. This should be a *colossal* red flag to you.


It is very possible that the tests fail because the tests are wrong, not the module. I use a Perl that does not have fork emulation on Windows, partly for performance. Many tests assume fork, even where the modules they are testing do not depend on it. Yes, these modules should be reported, but you don't need to wait for a new release, nor is the module necessarily compromised. Authors cannot always test on a wide range of platforms. I find a good few modules fail tests for system/platform reasons rather than because of bugs in the code.

Modules I know fail on Windows without fork but generally don't care include: DBD::mysql, Test::NoWarnings, WWW::Mechanize, HTTP::Server::Simple, Cache::Cache, and DBD::SQLite. Most of these have tests that assume fork. Some get caught by file system differences and permissions differences.

You might have a wider concern if you are using a "standard" build (if such a thing exists) but it is at least sometimes justifiable to look through the tests that fail and make a judgment call.

Stuart Watt
ARM Product Developer
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