On 22 Jun 2009, at 10:26, Ovid wrote:

Nobody has a clue on this one? I've no idea how the relative values get set and I'm not looking forward to a long slog through the guts of Catalyst to understand what's happening here :)

I'm guessing that Catalyst is (incorrectly) trying to collect stats for the private actions, or something similar.

I'd recommend you bisect backwards through the various CPAN releases and find where it was introduced.

There is a detailed changelog, and I'd guess any releases mentioning 'stats' are worth testing either side of.

I guess you can get the issue down to a release, or maybe even a specific revision (git bisect for the win!), without having to attack the Catalyst code at all.

I'd also guess that you're seeing the warning due to something 'non- standard' your app is doing with logging / stats collection in general. If that stuff is easy to identify - try just extracting that, one controller and a simple test out into a standalone test app.. Or branch and start removing your application (shoot the model and views, remove the code from the controllers leaving just the stubs etc) - shouldn't take long to get down to a minimal app..

Either way, I'd recommend trying to narrow down your issue with one or both of these techniques, rather than randomly trawling through the cat-guts..


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